Marketing and business development
Solutions for patient-base retention and growthare just one of the many ways we can help strengthen a practice’s competitive position and enhance practice revenues.
Practice management
Expert in issues such as staff utilization, billing and coding, and systems development, PHS can help maximize revenues, control costs and create the means for a more successful practice.
Operational and compliance audits
Our comprehensive audits can identify what is being done correctly and what needs improvement in order to operate most efficiently and effectively.
Managed care
PHS can assess and negotiate managed care contractsand, once they are secured, guide the operation to deliver maximum profits.
Physician group development
We ease the complex process of affiliationwith a deliberate and structured approach to ensure that new ventures are designed for success.
Practice transition
In need of an associate, interested in selling a practice, looking for an opportunity to merge? PHS can help evaluate the situation, find the right opportunity, and negotiate to secure the best outcome.
While you're looking out for the health of your patients, who's looking out for the health of your business?
At Practical Healthcare Solutions (PHS), we help physicians stay ahead of the market and benefit from change, securing their success today and into the future. We can help you recognize opportunities, sort through options, determine the best courses of action, and see them through to completion. Drawing on more than three decades of experience, our consulting team of professionals helps physicians prosper by...
... minimizing risk
... maximizing revenues
... reducing costs
... and growing their practices.
From the very specific to the most global issues, from the straightforward need for extra hands, to the most complex need for strategic thinking and guidance, PHS can offer assistance. Our expertise spans the range of business decisions faced by physicians in all phases of practice, including issues such as:
Practice Operations
As your practice or group matures, PHS can enhance profitability by maximizing revenues, streamlining operations, and leveraging the size and clout of the organization. Can you improve claims processing and collections? Reduce denials? Do you have the right staff and systems, and are you using them most efficiently? Can you purchase more effectively? These are just a few of the issues we'll help you explore, with solutions to operate a sound and efficient practice.
Business Development
The growth and retention of your patient baseis as important to the health of your practice as its operation. But where are the greatest business opportunities? New services/ancillaries? Geographic expansion? Bringing on partners or affiliates to expand your services? Developing niche markets or expanding referral sources? We can help you assess the strategic issues and parlay your assets to strengthen your competitive position.
Practice Brokering
If you would like to sell your practice, and either stay on or transition out, PHS can help you find you the right opportunity. With a structured valuation/evaluation, your practice will be assessed for both its historic success and its future potential, positioning it for maximum value. PHS can then pursue potential buyers, and represent you in the negotiation process to secure a positive outcome.
Litigation Support for Administrative Related Complaints