- David Neely, Esq. – Goldberg, Kamin and Garvin
Edward Beamon vs. Ohio Valley Hospital (Ohio matter)
RE: Plaintiff case in connection with standards of care and protocols in the Hospital’s operating room.
- Daniel McKinnon, Esq. – McKinnon and Harwood
Joseph Rossi vs. St. Joseph’s Health Services (New Jersey matter)
RE: Plaintiff case regarding wrongful treatment of patient in hospital during and after gastric bypass surgery.
- Sandro Polledri, Esq. – Genova, Burns & Vernoia
Kalko vs. JFK Medical Center, et al. (New Jersey matter)
RE:Defense case pertaining to appropriateness of physician suspension and impact of suspension on current and future earnings.
- Steve Annand, Esq. – Cochran Law Firm
Gibson vs. HMO –Amerigroup (District of Columbia matter)
RE:Plaintiff case pertaining to physician credentialing and sexual misconduct.
- Harry Oxman, Esq. – Oxman & Kuritz
Deborah Davis vs. Suresh Wable, MD, Frankford Healthcare System, (Pennsylvania matter)
RE:Plaintiff case pertaining to delay in diagnosis and treatment owing to non compliance with Joint Commission standards and hospital administrative policies and procedures.
- Patricia Raymond, Esq. – Raymond & Raymond
Birriel vs. Norwegian American Hospital et al. (Illinois matter)
RE:Plaintiff case related to untimely patient transfer in conjunction with Joint Commission requirements.
- Richard Galex, Esq. – The Galex Law Firm
Mr. I. Dabit vs. Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (New Jersey matter)
RE:Plaintiff case related to initial and ongoing inadequate credentialing of physician.
- Patricia Herr, Esq. – Post & Schell, PC
Hope v. Greenberg, MD (Pennsylvania matter)
RE: Defense case regarding the provision of clinical test results to ordering physician.
- Jane Triche, Esq. – The Triche Law Firm
Gary Holmes vs. Tulane University Hospital and Clinic (Louisiana matter)
RE:Plaintiff case regarding emergency room protocols for communicating patient results.
- Michael Baxter, Esq. – Billing, Cochran, Lyles, Mauro & Ramsey, P.A
Lowden vs. Good Samaritan Medical Center (Florida matter)
RE:Defense case regarding compliance with standards for reporting radiology test results to the ER and other ordering physicians.
- Daniel Zehner, Esq. – Daniel A. Zehner, Attorney at Law
Ruth E. McQuilken vs. Memorial Hospital of Salem County (Delaware matter)
RE:Plaintiff case pertaining to appropriate method of transferring patient from the hospital operating room table to a recovery bed.
- Scott Halloin, Esq. – Halloin, Mallery & Zimmerman
Radiology Associates of Milwaukee vs. Koehne Billing (Wisconsin matter)
RE: Defense case regarding identification of economic damages associated with faulty billing company practices.
- Robert Lopez, Esq. – Wolf, Block, Schorr, Solis-Cohen
Barry Zadeh, MD vs. Summit Bank (Pennsylvania matter)
RE: Conducted valuation of a physician’s interest in a cardio-thoracic surgical practice as part of defense representation of physician.
- Michael Trachtman, Esq. – Powell Trachtman, et al.
Mollick-Fitzgerald vs. Giuffrida (Pennsylvania matter)
RE: Defense case pertaining to compliance with restrictive covenant agreement and related analysis of lost practice revenues.
- Jeffrey Albert, Esq. – McKissock & Hoffman
RE:Defense case regarding refutation of physician claim that media publicity was principal cause cause of practice demise. Defended patient (and her attorney) who appeared locally and nationwide on television.
- Susan Burns, Esq. – Genova, Burns & Vernoia
Stevens vs. Seton Hall, et al. (New Jersey matter)
RE: Defense case regarding termination from physician residency program; economic loss calculation and alternative position/compensation analyses
- Joanne Pollak, Esq. – Piper & Marbury
PRMC vs. Atlantic General Hospital (Maryland
matter)RE: Defense case regarding economic and business analysis of impact of newly proposed hospital.
- Richard Tubiolo, Esq. – Hirsch and Tubiolo, P.C.
Stefanich vs. Empire Blue Cross (New York matter)
RE:Defense case pertaining to accuracy and appropriateness of physician coding and billing.
- Mark Marotta, Esq. – Kelly, Kelly & Marotta
Rigby vs. Hackensack Medical Center (New Jersey matter)
RE:Plaintiff case regarding analysis of appropriateness of hospital billing procedures and reasonableness of patient bill.
- James J. McCarthy, Esq. – McCarthy Weisberg Cummings, P.C.
Khalil vs. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. (Pennsylvania matter)
RE: Plaintiff case regarding implications of improper reporting of malpractice case to the National Practitioner’s Data Bank.
- Scott Robelen, Esq.- Bailey and Galyen, PC
Garza vs. Permian Regional Medical Center (Texas matter)
RE: Plaintiff case regarding failure of hospital to have an appropriately trained OB back-up for a scheduled complicated induction of labor.
- Daniel J. O’Brien, Esq.- White and Williams
Edward Morris vs. Shore Memorial Hospital (New Jersey matter)
RE: Plaintiff case regarding proper reporting of critical value results of diagnostic imaging findings consistent with American College of Radiology guidelines and hospital policies and procedures.
- Phillip Wallace, Esq.-Grower Ketchum
Penney vs. Florida Deland Hospital (Florida matter)
RE: Defense case regarding hospital utilization of locum tenens physicians to ensure appropriate coverage of needed community specialty clinical services.
- James J. Pieper, Esq.- Litvak & Trifiolis, PC
Levy vs. St. Lawrence Rehabilitation Hospital Center (New Jersey matter)
RE: Plaintiff case regarding unsupervised care of an at-risk patient contributing to patient avoidable fall. and related injuries.
- Gretchen Randall, Esq.- Neubert, Pepe & Monteith PC
Defrancesco vs. Stamford Health System (Connecticut matter)
RE: Defense case regarding hospital staffing of its cardiovascular surgical program and the timeliness of patient transfer to a higher level of care.