Project Examples:
- Developed several arthritis/rheumatology centers as minimal capital strategy for building orthopedic volume for hospitals.
- Conducted feasibility for hospitals for comprehensive musculo-skeletal product line.
- Conducted market research and marketing planning for a hospital weekend athlete sports medicine product line consisting of available physician and facility resources.
- Established a Wellness and Sports Medicine program at a major medical center.
- Conducted market feasibility for a medical center with regard to direct contracting opportunities for orthopedics-related services for organized recreation, colleges, and high schools in suburban locations.
- Worked with a physical fitness company to develop platforms for joint ventures between the entity and healthcare systems. These potential ventures included the construction of a facility associated with the system which would encompass wellness as well as rehabilitation services.
- For a for-profit hospital corporation, identified orthopedics as a Center of Excellence which could be marketed internally among the region’s member community hospital bases. Responsible for setting up the system for cultivating and securing referrals.
- Extensive work with orthopedic private practice groups to expand disciplines, enhance services and improve bottom line.
- Development of sports medicine-related business strategies for for-profit providers of physical therapy and rehab services.
- Enhanced throughput and profitability of hospital-based joint replacement services.